Our Program

Since 1993, Newton Kindergarten Soccer has been introducing children to soccer in a fun and non-competitive environment where girls and boys develop friendships, learn teamwork, and gain confidence. This program is a unique opportunity for children and families to become acquainted with others who are entering kindergarten in their neighborhood.

Each hour-long session includes a half hour of soccer drills and exercises and then a half-hour scrimmage, run by our volunteer parent coaches. Kindergarten Soccer is held on Saturday mornings. Our program, held in the fall and spring, is open to all children who are either enrolled in kindergarten or are one school year away from starting kindergarten.  While our program is focused on children who are or will be enrolled in public school in Newton, Massachusetts, all are welcome.

This program provides an introduction to soccer, as well as an opportunity for children and parents to meet other kindergarten families in their school district. Please note that this is not a drop-off program. Parents or other caregivers must remain at the field where their child is playing.

Kindergarten Soccer is run by parent volunteers, and we are always looking for parents to coach their child’s team. No experience is required to be a kindergarten soccer coach. We will provide you with all the training you need, so please consider participating in this non-competitive and fun program.

Kindergarten Soccer is run by the Zervas Elementary School PTO.

If you have questions about the program, please email us.